Diaper rash vs Yeast infection- The difference, causes and treatments

Diaper rash and yeast infection are two common conditions that affect children in the diaper-wearing age group. However, these two conditions are often confused due to their similar symptoms. In reality, diaper rash and yeast infection have different causes and require different treatment approaches.

This article will explain the difference between a diaper rash and a yeast infection, what are the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Table of Contents

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a skin irritation common in babies and young children wearing diapers. It’s characterized by dry, scaly, or smooth, pink to purple-toned skin caused by prolonged skin contact with urine and feces and skin contact with certain irritants such as fabric softeners or baby wipes

There are four types of diaper rash

  • Irritant diaper rash: The irritant diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is the most common. It is caused by too much moisture in the baby’s diaper area or if the skin is in contact with urine (pee) and stool (poop) for longer.
  • Candida diaper rash: Candida is a fungus found in a baby’s digestive tract. The fungus thrives best in warm, moist places such as soiled diapers. 
  • Bacterial diaper rash: A very rare case, but bacteria such as staph and strep can cause diaper rash. It is often referred to as impetigo in the medical world. If you notice bright red skin around the anus, it could indicate a strep infection.
  • Allergic reaction diaper rash: Sometimes, ingredients in a diaper, wipes, or creams can cause allergic reactions to sensitive skin. 
  • Causes of Diaper Rash

    Multiple factors will result in a Diaper Rash. These are factors that lead to it. 

  • Prolonged exposure to wet or soiled diapers: A baby’s skin is soft and tender. As a result, if a filthy and wet diaper remains unchanged for a long, it will cause diaper rash.
  • Chafing: A poorly fitting diaper can irritate a baby’s skin. Rubbing against the skin can irritate it and cause a rash, especially when the diaper or clothing is too tight.
  • Using a new product: Introducing a new brand of baby wipes, diapers, detergent, bleach, fabric softener, etc., can cause problems. 
  • Bacterial infection: A warm and moist diaper is a breeding ground for bacteria. An infection can quickly spread to the surrounding skin. You will see these types of rashes within the creases of the skin. 
  • New foods: A breastfed baby can develop a rash based on what the mother has eaten. Additionally, The stool content and the frequency change when a baby starts eating solid foods.
  • Sensitive skin: If your baby has eczema, they are more prone to the issues. 
  • Antibiotics: While doctors prescribe it, they sometimes kill the bacteria that were supposed to keep yeast in check. 
  • Additionally, the chances of diaper rash increase significantly when the kid isn’t clean and dry.

    Symptoms of Diaper Rash

    One of the defining features of diaper rash is the appearance of redness and irritation in the diaper area. In mild cases, the redness may be limited to small patches of skin, while more severe cases can involve larger areas of redness and irritation. The skin may also feel warm to the touch and uncomfortable for the baby, causing increased fussiness or difficulty sleeping.

    In addition to redness, diaper rash can also present with small bumps, scaly patches, and even blisters. Sometimes, it can also be accompanied by a foul odor or discharge.

    Prevention of Recurrent Diaper Rash

    Preventing recurrent diaper rash requires a multi-faceted approach. It’s important to reduce skin irritation, minimize exposure to germs and irritants, and keep the diaper area clean and dry. Here are some measures that you can take to prevent diaper rash from coming back:

    1. Change diapers frequently and avoid leaving your baby in a wet or soiled diaper for too long. Aim to change your baby’s diaper every 2 to 3 hours during the day and once during the night.

    2. Clean stool off all skin folds, including under the thighs and around the buttocks. Use a soft cloth or cotton ball with warm water to clean the area.

    3. In addition to diaper wipes, rinse your baby’s skin with warm water when cleaning off the stool. 

    4. Cleaning the areas between the genitals can be challenging, but it is important to prevent infection and irritation.

    5. A barrier cream or ointment containing zinc oxide can form a protective barrier on the skin and help soothe irritation.

    6. Be very gentle in rubbing and cleaning the skin.

    These simple steps can help prevent recurrent diaper rash and keep your baby’s skin healthy and comfortable.

    How to Treat a Diaper Rash

    If your baby is infected with a diaper rash, you want to keep the bottom of the baby clean and dry every moment. Unlike normal circumstances, you must immediately change the wet or soiled diaper. 

    Now, gently use warm water and a soft washcloth to clean your baby’s diaper area. Do not use soap unless the poop doesn’t come off easily. In severe rash problems, use a squirt bottle of water to clean and rinse without rubbing.

    We recommend using them instead of disposable diaper wipes as they may worsen the irritation. Do not use wipes with alcohol and fragrance.  

    After cleaning the poop, pat dry. Again you do not want to rub the infected area. Keep it exposed so that it can air-dry fully.

    Once dry, apply a thick layer of protective diaper rash cream or ointment containing zinc oxide or petroleum jelly.

    Remember not to rub or scrub the infected area, as it will damage the baby’s skin. Avoid too-tight diaper

    Yeast diaper rash

    Yeast diaper rash is a common skin condition affecting babies and young children, especially lesser than one year of age. It is a fungus known as Candida. It lives naturally in your body in small accounts, often found in your mouth, skin, and intestines. Your body naturally hosts healthy bacteria that prevent yeast. However, when the balance is off, it will overgrow. Feces are one of the primary reasons for the Yeast diaper rash.

    Causes of Yeast Rash

    It develops due to an overgrowth of the candida fungus that naturally resides in the body. However, outside factors can also disrupt the balance of candida and healthy bacteria in the diaper region. It thrives in warm and moist conditions, added with the factors such as:

  • If the skin under the diaper is receiving little to no air 
  • If the poop or pee is in contact with the skin for longer periods
  • Regular contact with diaper material on the skin
  • If the baby or mother who breastfeeds the child is on antibiotics.
  • Symptoms of Yeast Rash

    The most common symptoms of yeast problems include shiny, bright red patches with sharp edges. These patches may also have satellite rashes – smaller areas of rash that appear around the main rash. In addition to these symptoms, small pink bumps, pimples, and sores or cracked skin that may ooze or bleed are also common.

    Notably, a yeast issue typically appears in the folds of skin in the groin area. The rash is usually scaly and well-defined, with slightly raised borders.

    Preventing Yeast Rash

    Preventing yeast diaper rash can often be more effective than treating it once it appears. Simple steps can go a long way to stop the development of this skin condition. 

    1. Regularly bathing the baby in warm water and cleaning their diaper area each time you change their diaper is essential. Patting the baby’s bottom dry with a soft cloth or blowing cool air can help remove excess moisture.

    2. Use breathable diapers which allow airflow, which can help to keep the diaper area dry and prevent moisture from being trapped. Disposable diapers are often better than cloth diapers for it.

    3. Give baby diaper-free time regularly, allowing the diaper area to breathe and dry out. This can be done by laying a soft, absorbent towel or blanket on a clean and protected area, such as a carpet or playpen, and allowing the baby to play without a diaper for some time each day.

    4. Using diaper cream is also a preventative measure that can be used to protect the skin. It creates a barrier between the baby’s skin and moisture, preventing irritation and inflammation. Choose one specifically designed for diaper rash.

    5. Avoid unnecessary antibiotics. It can kill off harmful and beneficial bacteria, disrupting the balance of bacteria in the body and causing conditions like yeast overgrowth. Only take antibiotics when prescribed by a healthcare provider and avoid using them for non-bacterial infections.

    How to Treat a Yeast Diaper Rash

    Here are some steps to help treat a yeast diaper rash:

    1. Keep the affected area clean and dry. It prevents the rash from getting worse. Clean the area with warm water and a soft cloth and pat the area dry. Do not use wipes or soap with fragrances until the rash has cleared.

    2. Allow for diaper-free time for the skin to heal. It’s best to place your baby on a towel, blanket, or waterproof pad to avoid any accidents. 

    3. Over-the-counter antifungal creams like clotrimazole or miconazole can effectively treat most yeast diaper rashes. Pairing a steroid like hydrocortisone with it may also help to clear inflammation. 

    4. Using breathable diaper covers instead of plastic or rubber pants over cloth diapers can help to prevent moisture from being trapped in the diaper area. This can prevent the rash from getting worse. Avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets.

    5. Fasten your baby’s diaper loosely to prevent contact dermatitis and the diaper from rubbing against the skin and worsening the rash.

    Can a Yeast Infection Ever Be Dangerous?

    Yeast infections are common for babies who wear diapers, and they usually present as a red rash that can itch and cause discomfort. However, in severe cases, yeast infections can become dangerous and even lead to systemic problems.

    In rare cases, a yeast infection can spread to other body areas, such as the bloodstream or organs. This can lead to serious health problems like sepsis or meningitis. While this is rare, parents must monitor their baby’s yeast infection and seek medical attention if it becomes severe.

    Symptoms that may indicate a more serious issue include skin breaks, oozing, and bleeding. Parents should not hesitate to seek medical advice if these signs are present. A healthcare provider can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan to help heal the infection before it becomes a serious systemic problem.

    Can yeast infections or diaper rash be treated at home with natural remedies?

    While various treatments are available, some parents may prefer natural remedies to alleviate symptoms and promote healing. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before trying home remedies to avoid potentially harmful effects.

    Natural remedies for yeast infection and diaper rash include:

    1. Keep the diaper region dry: Frequent diaper changes, ensuring the diaper area is dry and clean, can help prevent diaper rash and yeast infections. Air drying the area or using a soft cloth can be helpful.

    2. Use warm water instead of wipes: Wipes can contain fragrances and chemicals that irritate the skin. Warm water and a soft cloth or cotton ball can be a gentle alternative to wipes.

    3. Avoid fabric softeners and detergents: Fabric softeners and detergents can cause skin irritation, a common cause of diaper rash. Using fragrance-free and hypoallergenic laundry detergents can reduce the risk of skin irritation.

    4. Try diaper-free time: Having some diaper-free time can be helpful for babies with diaper rash or yeast infections. This allows air to circulate and helps keep the area dry.

    5. Apply natural creams and ointments: Aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and petroleum jelly can be applied to the affected area to soothe the skin and facilitate healing. 

    It is important to note that severe diaper rash and yeast infections may require medical attention and hospitalization. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential if symptoms persist or worsen despite natural remedies.

    In summary, some natural remedies may relieve yeast infections and diaper rash, but it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider to avoid potential risks. Additionally, severe skin conditions require immediate medical attention and may require hospitalization.

    How long will it take to recover?

    The expected recovery time for these conditions varies depending on the severity and type of infection.

    For diaper rash, most cases should improve after two to three days of treatment. However, in severe cases, the rash can take up to a week to completely disappear. It is important to follow a strict treatment plan that includes frequent diaper changes, keeping the area clean and dry, and using appropriate creams and ointments. If there is no improvement after a week of treatment, or if the condition worsens, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

    On the other hand, yeast infections can take two to three weeks to heal and may require antifungal medication. It is important to follow a treatment plan recommended by a healthcare provider. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the infection and the type of medication prescribed. Recovery is confirmed when the rash disappears and the skin heals. It is important to continue the treatment plan until the entire course is complete to minimize the chances of the condition returning

    When to see a doctor

    If you see any of the symptoms below, you need to seek a pediatrician:

  • If your baby is showing signs of fever and the rash is spreading, It may indicate a bacterial infection, which can be serious if left untreated.
  • If the rash is peeling off in sheets or there are other signs of infection, such as oozing pus
  • If your baby is acting ill, this may be a red flag, and you should seek medical attention immediately.
  • If the rash seems raw or is bleeding
  • Remember that a doctor’s diagnosis is crucial in determining the best course of treatment. If the severity of the infection is unclear or concerning, or if the rash does not seem to be improving with at-home remedies, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider. They can properly diagnose and recommend the appropriate treatment for your infant.
