Krista Neumann bio: age, family, divorce, photos, career, net worth

Krista Neumann is a famous American actress and producer of successful shows and movies. She is a household name in Hollywood owing to her superb work in the movie industry. She is best known for producing the movie Silver Spoons, put her in the limelight years back. How well do you know this star? Here is her life story.

Hollywood has made stars out of ordinary people. Krista is one of those stars. She is a successful actress, but she gained fame after getting acquainted with the Hollywood star, Scott Bakula, who is a four-time Emmy nominee and Golden Globe winner. The two were a popular couple back in the 1980s.

Profile summary

  • Full name: Krista Neumann
  • Age: 71
  • Year of birth: 1949
  • Nationality: American
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Height: 1.65 m
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Profession: Producer, Actor

Early life

Krista was born in 1949 in the United States. There is no available information about her early years since she kept a low profile about it. However, she was raised in a Christian home and is believed to have Czech ancestry. She was once the daughter in law of Sally Bakula and J.Stewart Bakula.


She began her career as a producer in the 90’s. She first produced That 70’s Show, an American comedy series, from 1999-2006. The show focused on the lives of teenage friends who lived in Wisconsin in the 1970s. She was also the producer of a comedy-drama series called Chuck from 2007-2012. Krista Neumann actress roles are worth watching.

She has also produced other productions like The Neighbours, which earned her six nominations for an Emmy. The Neighbours film told the story of a family that lived in a community of extraterrestrials. She even made an appearance on the highly acclaimed Sci-fi television series Quantum Leap.

She has been awarded for her great works like Gay Divorce, Bakers Wife, Mayor, Canterbury Tales, and Annie. She partly produced shows like The Real O’Neal, For the People, and the very successful How I met Your Mother. After making the movies Who’s the Boss and Silver Spoon, she came into the limelight. These movies were very successful Hollywood productions.

Krista Neumann images

Krista Neumann photos are scarce on the internet but the few we managed to get show her in her heydays while working in Hollywood. Here is a glimpse of her pictures.

1. With her former husband

Krista looking lovely with her former husband Scott Bakula, back when they were married.

2. Krista hanging out with her cat

Who does not love a cuddle every now and then? Krista cuddling her cat at home.

3. Krista in an acting scene

Krista is captured doing what she does best, acting in one of her movie scenes.


She was once married to the Hollywood star Scott Bakula, who is a successful Hollywood actor. They got married in 1981. When they married, Scott was 27 years old, while she was 32 years. Krista Neumann children are Cody, who is adopted, and a daughter called Chelsy Bakula. Chelsy took after her parents as she is an actor.


After 15 years of marriage, the power couple divorced. It is reported that Scott was involved in extramarital affairs that affected their marriage. Krista Neumann divorce was officiated in a court of law. Scott did not waste any time looking for a mate. After one year, he married another actress called Chelsea Field. They have two children, namely Wil Botfield and Owen Barret.

Did Krista Neumann remarry?

No, after her divorce from Scott Bakula, she never re-married. She is currently single and has no interest in getting married.

How old is Krista Neumann?

She is 71 years old today. She was born in 1949.

Net worth

Krista Neumann net worth is 1 million dollars, and she is reported to earn an annual salary of 100,000 dollars. She also earns from making advertisements and cameo roles. After her divorce, she received some property and money as alimony from their divorce settlement.

Krista Neumann is a popular actor and producer in Hollywood. Her work is worth checking. She has produced several movies and shows that have earned her Emmy nominations and awards. She loves producing comedy and Sci-Fi productions.

READ ALSO: Who is Walton Goggins' late wife, Leanne Goggins?

We did a story about Walton Goggins late wife, Leanne Goggins. Sadly, she committed suicide in 2004 after her divorce from Walton. The reasons for her suicide were chronic depression and the divorce from her husband.

Leanne was a lovable person. She was a dog lover as well, and she operated her own dog business. Whatever triggered her action of jumping from a 17th storey building will always haunt her family.
