What Drug Did Jeffrey Dahmer Use On His Victims?

Jeffrey Dahmer used a number of drugs throughout his life, including alcohol, marijuana, LSD, and amphetamines. According to some reports, he began using drugs as early as high school and continued to use them regularly during his time in college.

It’s believed that his use of drugs may have contributed to his later crimes, as they can sometimes lead to paranoia and delusions. In particular, LSD is known for causing hallucinations and altering one’s perception of reality. 

Dahmer reportedly used LSD on at least two occasions, and it’s possible that the drug played a role in his later decision to kill and cannibalize his victims. 

However, it’s important to note that there is no definitive link between drug use and serial murder. Many people use drugs without ever committing any crimes, and there are plenty of murderers who have never used drugs in their lives.

Dahmer was clearly a disturbed individual, and it’s likely that a combination of factors contributed to his gruesome crimes.

What Drugs Did Jeffrey Dahmer Use On His Victims?

Jeffrey Dahmer was a notorious serial killer who operated in the Midwest United States during the late 20th century. His victims were primarily young men, and he famously used drugs to subdue them before murdering and dismembering them. 

In addition to his violent crimes, Dahmer was also known for drugging his victims before killing them. In particular, he often used triazolam or temazepam to sedate them. These drugs are both benzodiazepines, which are typically prescribed for anxiety or insomnia. 

However, they can also have dangerous side effects, including dizziness, confusion, and impaired motor skills. Triazolam and temazepam may have played a role in making Dahmer’s victims more vulnerable to his attacks.

The drug he most commonly used was chloroform, which he would administer by soaking a rag in the chemical and then holding it over his victim’s nose and mouth. Chloroform is a powerful anesthetic that can render a person unconscious in a matter of seconds. 

After killing Tuomi, Dahmer started actively looking for victims, whom he usually met in or around homosexual bars and lured to his grandmother’s house. Triazolam or temazepam would be administered to his victim prior to or soon after they engaged in sexual intercourse.

He used sleeping medications to make his victim asleep, then strangled them to death.

By using chloroform, Dahmer was able to subdue his victims quickly and efficiently, allowing him to carry out his gruesome crimes without being interrupted. While chloroform is now widely banned, it was easily accessible in the 1980s, making it the perfect tool for Dahmer’s horrific crimes.
