Derrick van orden wiki, daughter, navy seal, movies, education

Derrick Van Orden is a Navy SEAL turned politician who represents Wisconsin’s 3rd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was born in Minnesota in 1969 and grew up in rural poverty. His mother, Carol, instilled in him the importance of hard work and self-reliance. After graduating from high school, Van Orden joined the Navy in 1988.

Van Orden served as a Navy SEAL for 26 years, during which time he was deployed five times. He saw combat on all of his deployments and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor.

After retiring from the Navy, Van Orden became a businessman and actor. He appeared in the films Act of Valor and Azadah. He also wrote a book, The Book of Man: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to the Lost Art of Manhood.

In 2012, Van Orden was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly, where he served two terms. In 2020, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives.

In Congress, Van Orden is a member of the House Agriculture Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, and the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. He is a strong supporter of the military and veterans, and he has worked to improve access to healthcare and education for veterans.

Van Orden is a conservative Republican. He is pro-life, pro-gun, and supports lower taxes. He is also a strong supporter of President Donald Trump.

Derrick Van Orden on Wikipedia

Van Orden’s Wikipedia page is a great resource for learning more about his life and career. The page is well-written and informative, and it provides a good overview of his accomplishments.

Derrick Van Orden’s Daughter

Van Orden has two daughters, Keira and Kayla. Keira is a student at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and Kayla is a high school student. Van Orden is a devoted father who is very proud of his daughters. He is always there to support them.

Derrick Van Orden’s Navy SEAL Career

Van Orden’s Navy SEAL career was distinguished. He was a highly skilled operator who was always willing to put his life on the line to protect his country. He saw combat on all of his deployments and was awarded numerous medals for his bravery and service.

Derrick Van Orden’s Movies

Van Orden has appeared in two movies, Act of Valor and Azadah. Act of Valor is a 2012 action film about Navy SEALs. Van Orden plays the role of Senior Chief Dave Cullen. Azadah is a 2013 action film about the war in Afghanistan. Van Orden plays the role of Captain Mike Miller.

Van Orden’s performances in both movies were well-received. He was praised for his realism and his ability to convey the intensity of combat.

Derrick Van Orden’s Education

Van Orden graduated from Excelsior University with a degree in business administration. He also holds an associate’s degree in emergency medical technology.

Van Orden’s education has helped him in his career as a politician and businessman. He is able to understand complex issues and to communicate effectively with others.

I hope this article is more humanized and informative.
