Belle Gunness Farm How Many Did She Burry There?

Belle Gunness was a serial killer who lived in the American Midwest during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

She murdered at least 14 people, but some estimate that she may have killed as many as 40 victims. 

Gunness was born in Norway and immigrated to the United States in 1881. She first settled in Chicago, where she met and married a man named Mads Ditlevsen.

The couple had two children together, but both died young. Gunness then moved to Indiana, where she began working as a farmhand.

It was there that she met her second husband, Peter Gunness.

Why Did She Kill Her Husbands?

Belle Gunness killed her husbands for their life insurance money and used the money to buy property in LaPorte, Indiana. She also began luring men to her farm with personal ads in newspapers. 

She promised them marriage and a life of luxury, but instead murdered them and stole their money.

In 1908, Gunness’ farmhouse caught fire and burned to the ground. Her body was found in the ruins, but her head was never found.

It is believed that she faked her own death in order to escape detection.

In the years following the fire, a number of bodies were found on Gunness’ property. These victims were likely killed by Belle Gunness herself.

She was never caught and the true extent of her crimes may never be known. Belle Gunness is one of America’s most notorious serial killers.

How Did This Woman Get Away With Murder For So Long? 

Part of the answer lies in the fact that she was a woman.

At the time, it was unthinkable that a woman could be capable of such violence.

As a result, law enforcement officers never took her seriously as a suspect, even when evidence began to mount against her. 

Another part of the answer is that Gunness was careful to target vulnerable men who were unlikely to be missed by their families or friends. Her victims were typically men who were struggling financially and looking for a new start in life.

When they arrived at her farm, she would kill them and bury their bodies under the pigsty or in the basement. 

Gunness had a system. After murdering her two husbands, the Norwegian-American woman posted ads in the paper looking for men to invest in her farm.

To lure her last victim, Gunness wrote: “My heart beats in wild rapture for you, My Andrew, I love you. Come prepared to stay forever.” 

Why Did She Kill? 

No one knows for sure what motivated Belle Gunness to kill. Some believe she did it for money; others believe she enjoyed the thrill of getting away with murder.

What we do know is that she carefully planned each murder, and went to great lengths to cover up her crimes. In many ways, she was ahead of her time; today, we would call her a ” sociopath.” 

Gunness’ reign of terror came to an end in 1908 when her farm burned down under suspicious circumstances.

Investigators found two graves on the property—one containing the body of an unidentified man, and another containing the body of Belle’s youngest daughter—but they were never able to find Belle’s body among the ashes. 

To this day, no one knows what happened to Belle Gunness after that fire; some believe she died in the blaze, while others believe she staged her own death and started anew elsewhere with a new identity. 

Final Verdict 

Belle Gunness is one of America’s most notorious serial killers. But despite killing more than a dozen people (and possibly as many as 40), she was never caught or even seriously suspected by law enforcement. 

How did she get away with it for so long? Part of the answer lies in the fact that she was a woman; at the time, it was unthinkable that a woman could be capable of such violence.

Another part of the answer is that Belle was careful to target vulnerable men who were unlikely to be missed by their families or friends—men who were struggling financially and looking for a new start in life. 

Whatever her motivation was, Belle Gunness successfully evaded justice for years… until 1908 when her farm mysteriously burned down under suspicious circumstances.

To this day, no one knows what happened to Belle Gunness after that fire; some believe she died in the blaze while others believe she staged her own death and started anew elsewhere with a new identity.
